HowTo: Add Facebook Account on a China Country Variant Lumia

Before we start, there’s something you may need to know:
1. It has to be Windows Phone 8.
2. Twitter account can’t be added this way.
3. When come to flashing ROM, I refer the WCDMA model (for China Unicom).

And the technique here is simple, though not very easy to be done. We’ll need to add the Facebook account somewhere else first, backup the settings and then restore it on the China Country Variant Windows Phone.

I was lucky because I got a Hong Kong CV Lumia 920, so I simply restored the backup data on my new Lumia 1020 and the Facebook account showed up. However for other people who don’t have an older Windows Phone runing WP8, they won’t be able to add that account at the first place. Luckily, we get Vietnam CV Lumias sharing the same models (you can check the RM-xxx code to see if that really matches) as Lumias for Mainland of China. So we can flash the Vietnam ROM and then get Facebook account added.

Actually if you are cool with that Vietnam ROM, you can just get off the bus here and enjoy the social network, or you may want to flash back ROM for China as what I would do.

Some photos here by Lumia 1020.

NOKIA Pro Camera – Auto mode:

WP_20130820_18_37_05_Pro WP_20130820_19_26_27_Pro WP_20130817_18_30_22_Pro

NOKIA Pro Camera – ISO 100 / 0.8 seconds:


And a bonus by Lumia 920 (Edited by Fireworks CS6).


ifttt, 这算一个测试吧

ifttt ( 刚出来没几天, 但貌似已经非常火爆了, 于是乘此机会, 也向好人要了个邀请码来注册. 那这篇文章算是ifttt的一个最简化简介, 也是我的第一个测试啦.

ifttt是if this then that的缩写, 也就是如果发生了这件事, 那么就做那件事. 它支持很多社交网络或工具, 比如我的WordPress, 刚刚我用它添加了一个任务, 就是如果我的WordPress发了新文章, 那么就在Facebook上添加一个链接. 所以我就发文章来啦.

ifttt最多可以同时开启10个任务, 不过我觉得还是蛮够用了. 嘎嘎.

顺便小广告, 欢迎follow我的twitter,, 还有就是在Facebook上加我为好友 i(at)