An Underestimated Tool in Windows: HTA (HTML Application)

I can’t find a convinced source telling in which specific date did HTA become available, but it seems to be earlier than the year 2000.

On the official introduction page of HTA, there’s a highlight saying “The Power of Trust”. Unlike normal HTML pages running in a normal browser, HTA can have almost the same permissions that an exe file could have. Which gives it access to varieties of ActiveX that are not available in normal browsers due to security reasons.

I am always wondering why only a few people know and use HTA? Hmm, maybe one of the reasons is its “Microsoft” tag. I have given up the thoughts hoping HTA could be relatively mainstream, however, for developers who use JavaScript and HTML, HTA could still be a good choice to write some lite productive tools for your colleagues and yourself.

NodeJS would certainly have much better ecosystem now but for some specific tasks I still prefer tools with GUI… T-T (Now I also use NodeJS to do some batch work.)

But it was a shame that Microsoft stopped making it better. Wishes.

最新VT (JavaScript/HTA) SDK, 支持Twitter/腾讯/新浪微博, 支持图片

今天想着, 干脆就扩展了VT SDK的功能. 现在支持Twitter/腾讯/新浪微博, 并且支持发送图片 (限腾讯/新浪微博).

里面有3个Demo, 分别是twitter.hta, txweibo.hta, xlweibo.hta, 里面有简单的例子, 大家可以下载解压后双击执行.



<script src=”script/crypto.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script src=”script/sha1.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script src=”script/hmac.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script src=”script/vejis.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script src=”script/vejis.api.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>

要是不嫌麻烦的话, 可以把上面的文件合并到一起, 不过我就懒得弄啦. 最后上个图, 就是其中的三个例子.