Cordova 微信分享插件 (iOS, WP, Android)

先上 GitHub 链接

因为词焙需要, 然后现成的没有好用并且平台覆盖全面的, 于是就参考已有的自己写了个.

没有具体去看最低支持到 Cordova 多少, 但 3.x 应该问题不大. PhoneGap 估计也差不多.

支持三大系统, 除了安卓外, 基本不用额外配置, cordova plugin add com.wordsbaking.cordova.wechat –variable APP_ID=[你的AppID] 之后相关配置 (包括 URL Scheme) 都弄好了.

分享的内容只支持文本, 图片和链接. 以后空了再增加其他支持.

安卓需要额外修改一下 plugin.xml, 具体的参见 GitHub 上的说明.

iOS Web Application Directly Using Online URI

Will Apple App Store approve web apps that directly using online URL and resources?


When I submitted my app to Apple App Store, I was worrying about a rule that forbidding downloading code in any way or form. And as a web app that downloads its main code only after installation, it does seem to violate this rule. But luckily, it’s finally approved.

Apple App Store
See also the Windows Phone version

And congrats to myself that WordsBaking is scheduled to be FEATURED in Windows Phone Store (China) tomorrow. 😉